Hotel VITS Belgaum no more

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Belgaum Hotel
Belgaum Vits now EEFA





The much hyped about hotel the VITS of Vithal Kamat group has said good bye to Belgaum. It was opened about 18 months earlier.


Now it will be known as “EEFA”. The said hotel is now being managed by the owner of the land.

2 thoughts on “Hotel VITS Belgaum no more”

  1. Hey Uday,

    Any idea why this happened? What could be the reasons prima facey for the Management of VITS to give this project up this early?

    Lots of questions to ponder and tinker over.

  2. The Vits hotel used to pay royalty to use its name. So finally they have taken the Whole working on its own. And for now its No way concerned to VITS.

    Its a Private Hotel.


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