Belagavi dist has seen a huge spike in the cases in the month of April.
Today April 7, 101 new COVID-19 cases were reported from the district. Out of which around 80 are from Belagavi.
22 cases are from JNMC hostel, due to which two hostels namely Sangam Hostel and PNP hostel have been declared as micro containment zones.
36 have been discharged today.

Belagavi 76
Athani 1
Bailhongal 1
Chikodi 2
Gokak 9
Hukkeri 3
Khanapur 3
Ramdurg 2
Raibag 2
Savadatti 1
Others 1
Please postpone elections and all public gathering for 1 month and put 144 .With night curfew for 15 days