Enactment of the Public Disclosure Schedule is one of the mandatory State Level Reforms under JNNURM. Under this law, urban local bodies (ULBs) have to voluntarily declare information about its functioning, which includes, annual statements of performance covering operating and financial parameters and service levels for various services on a periodic basis to the public.
Here is what our Belgaum City Corporation PDLhas declared.
In short:
As on date there is no Scientific treatment facility, 35 MLD raw sewage let into Bellary Nallah.
Total waste collected & transported to disposal sites 160 tones/day
There are 32 declared slums and 19 non declared slums in Belgaum city. About 2.337 Sq.mts is occupied with a population of 57902 and the number of households are 12082.
Number of days of water supply per week in Normal season – Once in 3 days
Water Charge Rs.1000 per annum for Domestic (hiked from Today)
Area reserved under Parks & Gardens 640555 in Sq.meters
Rs.21.97 lakhs is collected as revenue from Hoardings, Ad poles, Kiosks
One can also find information about Building permissions etc and also details about when your street is swept and cleaned and who is paid for doing that. Number of Public toilets whether there is a charge for using the same and host of other information. See entire file here
Total Number of households with direct UGD Connections Approximately 60042 in Numbers
Total waste water collected at sewage treatment plant NIL in MLD
Quantity of waste water treated NIL.in MLD
Quantity of waste water recycled & reused out of treated waste water NIL in MLD (when mouse is moved on MLD then it should show
There is no STP exists but proposed under NKUSIP Project
As on date there is no Scientific treatment facility, 35 MLD raw sewage let into Bellary Nallah
Scientific Disposal of MSW (Municipal Solid Waste):
Total waste collected & transported to disposal sites 160 tones/day
Total waste processed in scientific manner 160 tones/day
Per capita production of water
Water supplied through Surface Source 91 MLD
Water Supplied through Underground Source 5.49 MLD
Water supplied through external source 4.08 MLD
Water Supply Coverage
Total Number of Households 80970 numbers
Number of house holds with direct water supply connections 49675 numbers
Total number of Public Stand Posts 540 numbers
Total number of industrial connections 267 numbers
Frequency & Timings of water supply
Number of days of water supply per week in Normal season – Once in 3 days
Number of hours of water supply on any supplied day (Normal season) – 2 hours duration
Area reserved under Parks & Gardens
Total ULB area 94.08 in Sq.kms
Area reserved under Parks & Gardens 640555 in Sq.meters
Area of developed parks and gardens 22060 in sq. mts
All this above details were got from the PDL on the City corporation website.
GoK vide its notification UDD 92 CSS 2009 dt. 26-11-2009, published the “Karnataka Right to Information (Disclosure of Information by Authorities Providing Municipal Services) Rules, 2009” (attached). Under this, it is mandatory for all ULBs in the state, through their respective PIOs to publish Public Disclosure data as per the prescribed template and frequency after 1 year of the Notification i.e. 26-11-2010. Read through below text and links for complete info.