A retired banker, Ashok Oulkar is an amazing Collage artist who makes amazing portraits using the collage technique. For him any colored paper, scissors and glue is what he needs to turn some colorful pieces of paper into a piece of collage art. Engaged in this Collage art since 22 years and also held exhibitions to promote this dying art. Oulkar was fascinated with the art after he saw an exhibition in Devag and after that he tried it on his own to gain expertise. The word `collage' is taken from the French verb `coller', which means to paste or glue. Collage is a technique of pasting materials. It is composition of material such as newspaper clippings, fur, wall paper, package labels, or dozens of other possible materials onto paintings, drawings, prints, even sculpture. The beginning of a collage is the pasting or gluing of paper to paper, of paper to board, or any of several materials to each other.
can u please share his Id or mobile number. Like to see his work.
can u please share his Id or mobile number. Like to see his work.
is there any exhibition going on ? Where does one get to see these if one wants to ? Visit Mr. Oulkars’ studio/home is it ?
Thanks in advance
is there any exhibition going on ? Where does one get to see these if one wants to ? Visit Mr. Oulkars’ studio/home is it ?
Thanks in advance