Movies as on 24-02-2012

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Theater Movie Timings
Inox Chandan Jodi Breakers 12.30,3.15,6.30,9.30pm

Tere Naal Love Ho gaya 10.10,12.15,3.30,6.45,9.15pm

Ek Main aur Ekk Tu 12.45,6.15

Ghost Rider 10.15,3.45,9.45pm
Big Cinemas ekk Dewana Tha 6.45pm

Jodi Breakers 10,3.30,6.30,9.30pm

ek Main aur Ekk Tu 12.45pm

Tere Naal Love Ho gaya 10.15,12.30,3.45,9.45pm
Nirmal Lucky(K) 12,3,6,9
Roopali Chaalis Chaurasi 12
Balkrishna Ghost Rider (H) 12.15,3.15,6.15,9.15
Chitra Parijat(K) 12,3,6,9
Swaroop Tere Naal Love Ho gaya 12,3,6,9
Hira Agneepath 12,3,6,9
Prakash Nippu(T) 12,3,6,9
Nartaki Jodi Breakers 12,3,6,9
Santosh Chingari(K) 12.15,3.15,6.15,9.15
Huns Not Showing any movie
Arun Closed for Renovation
Globe Not Showing any movie
Kindly check the exact  timings with the theaters

0 thoughts on “Movies as on 24-02-2012”

  1. The D.C. should see that all the cartoon channels are ‘blocked. Why he is allowing only the chintoo channel to be broadcasted ? IS NOT HIS ACTION DESCRIMINATORY ?


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