Pledge to vote!

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By editor

Only about 60% voters turn out to vote in any election. Where are the rest 40% arent they ap rt of this democracy?

Urge your friends & family to go and VOTE. No matter where you live or what’s on your local ballot, your vote will make a difference.

Let us pledge to vote in so that we make a difference and vote to make sure that the right people come to power for a BETTER tomorrow.


PLEDGE: I commit to vote on May 5. I know my choices on the voting Machines, will help create a healthy, fair future for our communities and children. I will atleast see that my whole family and TWO other families go and VOTE. Our voices matter.


And yes if you Dont Vote you also lose your right to complain.

Where is my polling Booth

No voter I-card? You can still vote check what you need to take along

Search your name in Voters List – One can also go here and search his/her name and click details against your name to get your polling booth details
Tip:while using the above link dont enter your full name or relation name.. type in first 3-4 characters of the name.


When you really understand the effective change that happens as a result of coming together, pooling an effort, that is when you begin to see the difference. This is when your voice really matters. This is the time that you should engage. This is the time when you can make a difference. If you’re not looking.. for any opportunity, just a spark to hopefully bring light to what’s happening, then nothing happens.” – Usher

1 thought on “Pledge to vote!”

  1. I will tell what remaining 40% doesn’t vote?
    Reason 1:-Voters list is not prepared faithfully
    Reason 2:-Arrogant behaviour by govt authority
    Reason 3:-Infaithfullness in the Society
    Reason 4:-Corruption
    Reason 5:-Asking for too many documents for any work
    Reason 6:-Harassment.
    Many More……
    All this must be stopped.
    Revamping of entire system.
    Income tax limit must be raised to 5 lakh


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