Auto drivers demand a minimum fare of ₹30 and then ₹20 per km.
The auto rickshaw owners and drivers association staged a protest in front of DC office urging to increase the meter charges. Presently the fare is Rs 25 for first 1.9 km and then Rs10 to next one km is being charged.
The auto rickshaw drivers urged that the rate is not revised from past two years. The fuel prices have been increased but the meter charges not revised they complained.
Its illogical…what is the mileage of an autorikshaw? Rs.15 per km ???? Are they driving BMW or Porche ?
Most of the autos run on LPG which is much cheaper…
RTO should ask for justification for Rs.30 for first 2 kms.
In Mumbai its Rs. 18 for first 1.5 kms.
Still its high…they are loosing business to Ola and Uber mini and micro cars…
Belagavi autowalas are allways used to Dadagiri and looting passengers. Thats why they are not interested in meters.
Public also should protest.
But meters are not being used by autos. What is point in this demand. This is adding salt to injuries of hapless public. Administration needs strong motivation to address the issues related to autometers, demands of autodrivers and harressed public. Let us hope positively once again !
Where the hell follow metering???
Ask all the auto drivers have they charged all the customers as per the meter till date? If they would have charged as per the meter then only they should demand or else keep quite and follow government rules.
There are a small aggressive bunch of auto drivers who create all the mess. They are mostly around CBT, Ramdev, and Station. If they are dealt firmly the rest shall fall in line. The rates they are demanding looks like they are in a virtual world. Let them keep demanding this. Soon someone like Ola or Uber-like group shall make these fellows obsolete.
Just see how irresponsible comments from the great MP Suresh Angadi emboldened them.
Seems auto guys have lost it. They are on self destruct mode.
The question is where the hell they bother meter
pointless no way to increase
already they loot a lot here