Nandgad Panchayat ranked 5 all over India in MISSION ANTYODAYA SURVEY 2019

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The Nandgad Gram Panchayat in Kahanpur Taluka has bagged the 5th spot nationwide in the MISSION ANTYODAYA SURVEY 2019, rankings of gram panchayats.

Nandgad GP scored 86 out of 100. Nanadgad is about 32 km, from Belagavi. 

The GP has a population of 9757 with total households of 1827.

nandgad-gpTamil Nadu’s Molugamboondi has topped the 2019 rankings of gram panchayats in the country, scoring high on implementation of development and infrastructure programs under the Mission Antyodaya scheme. The second rank has gone to Bambhaniya GP of Bhavnagar in Gujarat while four more Gujarat panchayats are tied for third ranking. One in Maharashtra, two each of Punjab and Tamil Nadu, and five Gujarat panchayats are tied at fourth ranking.

Mission Antyodaya under Union rural development ministry is conceived as a convergence platform to bring about the consolidated implementation of existing schemes to improve physical and social parameters in a panchayat.

The progress made is measured at the end of the year through a survey that ranks them on a scale of 100. According to a senior official, the 2019 rankings are provisional as the process of assessing the panchayats is still on.

A total of 2.4 lakh panchayats were to be ranked, with around 2.1 lakh completed.

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