Rains at last have hit on the eve of an annual bandh call

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By uday

Yes after 3-4 days of hide and seek of the sun and rain today at last @ 1631 hours the rains have hit Belgaum. Though the intensity is not so much but has taken a many by surprise. Rains here are due to the cyclonic condition over the Bay of Bengal, which brings monsoon showers in Tamil Nadu. Bangalore was receiving rains daily and today is our day. It has taken me 7 minutes or so to write this but the rain is pouring cats and dogs and it’s become very dark.

rainIn this image you can see how street sellers were caught by surprise by the rain, also seen are school children.
in the second image you can see two old people awaiting the rain to go. and also seen is the rain.

Tomorrow is the 1st of November, Rajostav day and Kala “Black Day” as it is observed by the marathi people, or should I rather say by a few marathi people. As usual a Bandh call has been given which is nothing new for we Belgaumites.
These days are the days of festivals Diwali is on the face and by calling for a Bandh only the businessmen get hit. Infact the sales have been a mediocre says a businessman I spoke to and he said now that all have got their salaries and bonuses we can expect a good sale in the next 10 days or so, but this kind of a bandh call will hit it he added. People coming in from taluka places will avoid coming tomorrow and hence this outlook.

6 thoughts on “Rains at last have hit on the eve of an annual bandh call”

  1. very nice job….. for what u have posted is a very thing ….. but instead of saying or declaring that few marathi people celebrate this bandh .. we should rather say … the MES supporters celebrate this … these are the people who are poisoning the thinking of belgaumites ….

  2. “few marathi people “is correct as not all MES are with this bandh call. thats why i wrote “few marathi people”
    India is a democratic country and all have the right to think their way. we just need to change the way they think. They may be right or wrong but we should see how their voices can reach the correct ears by democratic ways and not Bandhs.

  3. This is wrong. All Marathi people observe it as black day. It doesnt mean that whole belgaon comes on street etc but no one can deny that marathis dont go dancing on rajotsava celebrations. In fact rajotsava celebration was a flop show as usual.

  4. I am a regular visitor to this blog from past few months. Now i am getting a feeling that this is a pro kannadiga blog. My past experience on this blog was very good. Helps me to keep in touch with belgaum city but all the political news creates unnessary rift between kanadigas and marathis. I hope the blogger keeps this blog unbaised.

  5. Dear RB, I have been unbiased all the while. I just wrote what i felt was the thruth. Thats it. The bandh call made was not fruitfull i only mentioned that. I am not a Marathi nor a Kannada supporter for this blog I am writing this blog for Belgaum. And yes you may feel i am biased because of you Biasness. U feel free to visit this blog I will try my best not to be biased.

  6. Dear Belgaumites, Let us forget the marathi, kannada or any other divide which rues all relationships. Let us discuss, share & enjoy the information of our beautiful city. Cheers to all.


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