Belagavi South MLA Abhay Patil met Met Hon PWD Minister Shri Govind Karjol and presented a plan to decongest the traffic on the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Marg (From Railway over Bridge- Shri Basaveshwar Circle (Goaves Circle) -third Railway gate – RPD cross- Bhagyanagar cross- Hari Mandir Cross).
The said road has enormous traffic and with no traffic signals, RPD cross is a chaotic most of the times.
The MLA has presented a plan to the minister to construct vehicle underpasses at the said locations and urged him to release Rs.60 Crores.
The minister has agreed to release funds for the vehicle underpass at RPD Cross and the MLA hopes vehicle underpass will for sure give rest to the inconvenience caused to the citizens of Belagavi and reduce accidents and ensure smooth flow of traffic.
The city already has one pedestrian underpass near the Court which is now a filthy place which no one uses.
We believe still this a plan and the exact location of entry and exit will be final once the Plan is made by the PWD.

It’s a very good initiative to have underpass but it shouldn’t go waste as has happened near Court. Isn’t it better to have something advanced mode of transport for commutation like having trams. People might not use underpass since shops cannot be visited to buy things if needed and in the end they will again switch on to roads.
Why don’t you go for fly over from gandhi nagar to mache full and final problem will be solved
Why under bridge and why not over bridge..which will cost less than the underpass. Which will be used by commuters. I see its pure miss management of traffic by traffic police and unnecessary wasting money of 60 cr. We don’t want What Congress did mistakes by making tallest flag pole.
Just turn the traffic signals ON and ensure folks follow the traffic rules! You can control vehicle traffic as well as pedestrians without spending 60 crores? putting up signals at the relevant junctions will do the job if breaking a signal is heavily and properly penalized!
Completely agree with the comment by N.
We must not repeat mistakes as in Bengaluru.
Please concentrate on good infra along with good monitoring by police department .Also public transport needs to be upgraded with good connectivity along with proper shelter at bus stops.
Underpass may not be useful. Just operationalise signal system. That will solve the problem.