Commonwealth Baton relay: Students disappointed

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A large number of schoolchildren, who lined up to greet the “Youth Baton Relay” (YBR) of Common Wealth Games here on Saturday, had to return home disappointed because of the delay in the arrival of the team.


In Belgaum, schoolchildren were lined up all along the route of the relay, particularly from Udyambag to Rani Channamma Circle. They waited from 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. in the rain and returned home. 


I had seen students lined up along the roadside with their teachers from Gogte circle to Kolhapur Cross. All the students were waiting in the rain for the baton to arrive and cheer it, but to their bad luck the baton arrived very late at about 8 pm in the night, I was told.


It was pity scene all over with the students drenched in rain and waiting and in a few eyes the question “Why is this baton going from our city?”

See The Hindu

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