Niranjan Navalgund wins Gold at Asian youth chess championship

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Indian Team Under-18 consisting of Belgaum lad Navalgund Niranjan, Pratik Patil & ML Abhilash Reddy won the Gold Medal by securing totally 13 points in swiss league tournament at the Asian Youth Rapid Chess Championship-2012 held at Chaaya Tranz Resort in Hikkaduwa in Sri Lanka from June 25, 2012 to 2nd July, 2012. In the classical swiss league 9 round championship the same U-18 Team secured 17 points and won the 2nd Gold Medal.aa

Niranjan Navalgund of Belgaum scored 4.5 points out of 7 rounds in the Rapid chess championship and 5 points out of 9 rounds in the(classical) Asian Youth Chess Championship and remained unbeaten.

Chess players from 18 countries participated in the said Tournament. The Event was organized by the Sri Lankan Chess Federation in association with FIDE.

India has won all the three individual titles U-16, U-8, U-6 in the classical 9 round game and have won five of the 14 titles available in the Asian Youth Chess Championship rapid chess .

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